Bonnet is a design-focused real estate investment firm in Austin, TX.

Phone: +1 646.939 8430

Alex Szpakowski  [ Cofounder ]

Alex Szpakowski is a designer and entrepreneur. Szpakowski most recently co-founded the award winning e-commerce brand, Silvon, and led the company to a successful acquisition in 2021. His hands-on experience in scaling consumer start-ups brings strategic, operational, and design insights to all of Bonnet’s projects.

Devin Keyes [ Cofounder ]

Devin Keyes is an architect, and former founding partner at Ravel Architecture. From 2015 to 2020, Keyes co-led Ravel’s internationally-recognized luxury home design and construction. His experience leading both architectural and construction projects provides a unique edge to all of Bonnet’s projects.